Well, I thought that when reading other's blogs I would find some very interesting points of view about life itself, or maybe to be introduced into the minds and ideas of interesting people. The only things I found were, never-ending political issues, some very pretentious images, maybe a dull anecdote, advertisements, un-witty exchanges of impressions about nothing, complaints about unsatisfactory lifes and maybe (just maybe) a very personal portrait of someone that seems worth knowing. Any way, I have a couple of days looking for bloggers so maybe my conlusions are a little hasty. Maybe I'm just being a little naive when I think that these blogs are tools for creating texts, ideas and dialogue. I hope that these sites will not become as useless, boring, self-indulging, mind masturbating, and untrascending as chats, where communication is disguised and isolated in masks of fragmentation, where the face of a human being is put aside by emoticons, where the self is being exterminated. Call me old-fashioned, or whatever you will but virtual techology and communication means dead for reality and substance, "reality has been murdered" as Baudrillard says, by a bunch of dead people, nevertheless reality will have its revenge. I will try with all my guts to leave something substantial for anyone that enters this site, if I fail to do so, I will accept that machines have killed my being, but I'll try to fight against absurdity. if I am not accomplishing my goal, please let me know.
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