Sunday, March 30, 2008

blurring face under moonlamplight

"Their faces shone under some radiance
Of mingled moonlight and lamplight
That turned the empty kisses into meaning,
The island of such penny love
Into a costly country, the graves
That neighboured them to wells of warmth
(And skeletons had a sap). One minute
Their faces shone; the midnight rain
Hung pointed in the wind,
Before the moon shifted andthe sap ran out,
She, in her summer frock, saying some cheap thing,
And he replying,
Not knowing radiance came and passed.
The suicides parade again, now ripe for dying."

Dylan Thomas

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sombras bajo los párpados (en post-producción)

Miradas equivocadas, ojos que gritan la incertidumbre
del eterno retorno de una muerte en vida.
